"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." --Lamentations 3:22-23
Suppose I told you that I know a person who keeps every promise he makes; would you believe me? What if I added that not only does this person keep every promise made but keeps them exactly as they were promised without modifying them one bit. Would that be harder to believe?
Well, suppose I said I know a person who not only keeps every promise exactly as it was promised, but also delivers on the promise at the time promised? That would be even harder to believe! I told you I knew a human being that could guarantee a delivery on every promise I wouldn't be telling the truth; but while no human being can guarantee deliver, God can.
If we look back on the year spent, we'll quickly see that despite all of its ups and downs, good days and bad days, God has delivered his promises to us, just as he said! At first glance, especially when we consider the problems we've encountered this year, we might conclude that God has not delivered on his promises to us. If he did, there are some who think he did not do it the way he promised. Even then, there are some who think that he may have responded to his promise but he did not do in the time of their special need.
In that frame of mind there are many who conclude that God failed them this year. He allowed a death in the family. He allowed a loved one to become injured or sick. He allowed the loss of our property and possessions. He allowed us to be caught up in a rapidly changing world that is taking us for a ride so fast that everything of value is falling out of our pockets as we move through life. What has God promised us? He has never promised that there would be no mountains; he did promise strength for the mountains.
He never promised that we would not walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but he did promise to walk with us. He never promised to immunize us from sickness or trouble but he did promise that he would deliver us and lead us away from temptation if we ask him. Moreover, he promised to be with us always, in every situation and circumstance and to be only a prayer away. That's what God actually promised us. In that context God has been faithful in his promises to us and has not neglected us in any way. Every day that has passed this year, he has been with us. When he has answered a prayer for us, he did exactly as he promised. When we needed his strength and power and sought him, he responded on time. He is more dependable than Federal Express, The Post Office or UPS. He delivers all the time, on time. This year has been no exception. As Christians, we praise God for his faithfulness to us and give him praise for his wonderful works in our lives during the past year. He has been faithful toward us in the past and we expect him to do the same in the year to come. Our text focuses on the prophet Jeremiah as he describes the faithfulness of God despite difficult times. The Lamentations of Jeremiah is a collection of inspired writings by the prophet with the intent of showing Israel the cause of its exiled position, lamenting its present state and providing hope for its future. It is filled with bleakly colored laments about the difficulty of the times. Yet, there is also the continuous hope and trust that God could and would reverse the circumstances. Despite their exiled conditions, Jeremiah noted that each morning he saw new evidence of God's mercy and goodness indicating that God had not abandoned them nor forsaken them. The biblical record is punctuated with accounts that indicate to us the extent of God's faithfulness. Psalm 89 is a major text that tells us about God's faithfulness. It tells us that his faithfulness is an inseparable part of his character and nature. His ultimate nature is displayed in the heavens and natural order of things. The biblical record is also careful to delineate a difference between the faithfulness of God and the faithfulness of man.
The bible says in Numbers 23:19, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should repent Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" When God says it, it will be done. When God promises it, it will happen and happen on time. The New Testament echoes this theme repeatedly: 1 Corinthians 1:9 - "God is faithful." 1 Corinthians 10:13 - "And God is faithful." 1 John 1:9 - "He is faithful." When it comes to God's faithfulness, the scriptures indicate that being faithful is a part of God's nature. He keeps his word and executes it on time, because if he didn't, he wouldn't be God! Brothers and Sisters, God Has Been Faithful! As we reflect upon the year, we recognize immediately that God has been faithful to us by providing the essentials for our survival, all of our needs and some of our wants. In the wilderness the people of Israel found that God provided them food on time every day, even though they complained. He fixed it so that the material that formed their tents held up for 40 years without need of repair. He arranged it so that they wore the same shoes and clothes for decades and they never wore out. The food came on time every day. There was water just when they needed it most. God was faithful to Israel as he provided for them in ways no one could explain. He has been faithful to us in the same way. No matter how we look at it; the powerful hand of God has blessed us. OPPORTUNITIES MADE AVAILABLE: God has been faithful in his promise to open doors for us and to make opportunities for the abundant life available to true believers. When Jesus told his disciples, "Lo I'll be with you always" that meant exactly what it said; he planned to be with us continually. Jeremiah said, “Every morning God has new mercies for his people!” No wonder the song writer declared, "Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning, new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hands hath provided, great is thy faithfulness Lord unto to me!" Somebody knows him. His name is Jesus! He was so faithful that he died out on Calvary! But early Sunday morning.... he arose, He lives today