As we confront the various issues we face today, we must remember that our God is there. I am reminded of a passage from Dr. King’s book “A Gift Of Love”, Dr. King wrote, “we must also remember God does not forget his children. He gives us the interior resources to bear the burden and tribulations of life. When the lamp of hope flickers and the candle of faith runs low, He is not only with us in the noontime of fulfillment, but also in the midnight of despair.” I am convinced this happens through Humility and Unity.
Unity is not uniformity. Unity is different; it simply means conforming to one purpose without sacrificing individuality. Unity is only possible where humility exists. It can manifest itself in acts of service, not just for one another, but with one another.
Churches linking arms to serve together for a common cause or goal is a glorious act of humility, and together they can have a more significant impact than would be possible alone.
Henri Frederic Amiel stated, “There is no respect for others without humility in one’s self.” Without that humble respect for others, it is not possible to walk in unity. Unity is not possible without humility.
If we are full of pride, there is no room for unity. C.S. Lewis defines humility in this way: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
To be unified in any relationship, we must be mindful of the other party just as much, if not more than, ourselves. We must start from a state of humility to move in a spirit of unity.
We begin stripping away pride as we work side by side to go serve others. It’s like a double whammy.
Our minds are off ourselves and on those we aim to serve, as well as those we are serving with. We can do this as individuals, but also as church to church and organization to organization.
In the famously quoted scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14, God told Solomon, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Serving together is a way to “humble ourselves.” Naturally, as individuals prepare to go and serve others in our communities, one’s mind is on the service about to be carried out and how it will help those being served. We also need to be mindful of those with whom we are serving.
As we consider each individual’s role and responsibility, cohesive and effective service can take place. This practical step positions us either individually or corporately to be in a place of humility.
This is what’s powerful. The Bible says that, “God rejects the proud BUT gives His grace to the humble.” This is why I’m personally passionate about seeing churches in cities serving alongside one another.
It’s a way to corporately position the church within a city to receive a corporate outpouring of God’s grace. Unity builds Community.
Imagine what could happen if we bonded together as a unified church to stamp out common issues that face each city throughout America?
This act of humbling ourselves makes unity possible and allows us to experience God’s grace at work in our lives, doing something amazing – individually and corporately – in us, through us, and among us all, which ultimately brings glory to Him.
It is a divine cycle that lets us see afresh the evidence that St. Augustine alluded to in that, “it was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men angels.” Let’s all look for ways to genuinely humble ourselves.
Transformation of our cities begins in Humility, creating Unity in our Communities.
May our Lord and Savior Continue to bless and Keep you. Love You All.