“Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.”--Luke 7:22
If we were to ask other people their opinion of you, what would they say? The answers would be interesting. Public opinion is based on perceptions and often is not grounded in fact. People form opinions based on what they see and hear.
In his relationship with his followers, Jesus quickly found that he had a perception problem. Public opinion concerning Jesus was all over the place. He seemed to be different things to different people.
In the opinion of the Zealots, he came to establish a new earthly kingdom. They believed he came to fight even though he constantly reminded them that “He that lives by the sword will die by the sword.” In the opinion of the Romans, who first thought he came to overthrow the Roman government, Jesus’ kingdom building sermon were seditious.
However, Jesus established early that his kingdom was not of this world. In the opinion of the hungry Jesus was a new source of food, even if they were in crowds of 5,000 or more. They joyfully proclaimed “Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.” They held this opinion even though they heard Jesus say in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
In the opinion of the sick, Jesus came to set up a medical practice. However, Jesus constantly reminded them that the cause of many of their sicknesses was their sin and he called them to repentance. In the opinion of the Scribes and Pharisees declared in Matt: 5:17 “I come not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.”
His disciples thought he came to be served, but Jesus reminded them in Mark 10:45, that he came not to be ministered unto but to minister, not to be served but to serve. They saw his actions and heard his words, but many still did not believe. They had only a confused opinion of the Savior.
As Christians, we don’t have a confused opinion of the master. We know who he is and we gladly testify to his Lordship, because of what we have seen with our own eyes and what he has done in our lives. Has He done anything for you? When Jesus asked his disciples their opinion, the bible says in Matthew 16:16, Peter said “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
This text focuses on John the Baptist’s query of the nature of Jesus’ calling. John had been jailed for preaching the Gospel of Christ, shortly after he introduced Christ to Israel. The king had him imprisoned and he was sentenced to death. While waiting his execution, John sent word to Jesus, through one of his followers, to see if Jesus was the savior the world sought or whether they should wait for another.
This was a valid question because the scriptures made reference to the coming of an anointed one who would establish his kingdom and extend the house of David. John baptized Jesus. Even though they were cousins, he was not sure of who he was or what his mission was on earth. When the messenger reached Jesus with John’s question, “Are you the one?”, Jesus’ only answer was for John to consider his works.
He said, “Tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.” The same today!! Jesus gave no further explanation. It was if he said, “May the work I’ve done, speak for me.”
The fact that the blind were able to see, the lame walked and the dead were raised should have been sufficient evidence. Jesus’ response should also be the response of believers to an unbelieving world that does not know the Lord, “Tell them what he has done for you.” Don’t argue or debate. His actions in your life are sufficient.
What is Christ to you? There are many who have their opinions about Christ and they question our faith. What should be our response? We should take note of the way Jesus responded to John’s disciple. He told him to look at the evidence and he chose to let the facts speak for themselves. HE HAS SUPPLIED OUR NEEDS. When asked why we serve the Lord, our first response is that he supplies our needs. God has been faithful in providing us with food, clothing, and shelter.
Whatever our needs, he has supplied it for us. Often, we did not perceive the way he supplied it, but we soon recognized that God was in the plan. He has supplied our needs faithfully just as he supplied the needs of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness. He supplied their food, on time every day; even though they complained about it. He fixed it such that the material that formed their clothing and tents held up for 40 years without the need of repair. He arranged it so that they wore the same shoes and clothes for decades and they never wore out. There was water just when they needed it most. God was faithful to Israel and he has been faithful to us.
No matter how we look at it, we have been blessed by the powerful hand of God. So when the question is asked, “Are you a way-maker? Are you the one?” Tell "John” Christ has supplied the needs of the faithful. Tell "John" the hungry have been fed and needs have been met. HE HAS OPENED DOORS. Another evidence of the goodness of the Lord is that he has faithfully kept his promise to open doors for us and to make opportunities for the abundant life available to true believers. When others turned their backs on us, our God was right by our side to open up opportunities for us to survive and thrive.
As we reflect on his goodness, we see that God has kept his word and opened doors that we did not even know existed. Many have recognized an increase in pay, completed new challenges, and have been promoted higher, as God working on the inside, helped us expand our territory.
There are many who have experienced stronger family relationships and God has unlocked doors for us, allowing us to walk right in without a care. When the question is asked, “Is God real? Can he make a way?” We respond to the curious "Johns" of the world, that in my life, God has proven that he can make a way out of no way and open doors that I could not see. HE HAS SAVED OUR SOULS. This is the most important testimony we can give to anyone who wants to know why we serve the Lord.
He saved us from the punishment of sin and gave us a chance to make heaven our home. We know he did because John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Not only has he saved our souls from hell’s fire but he saves us and sustains us everyday through his spiritual presence in our lives.
In our weakness, He saved us by reminding us like he reminded Paul that, “My grace is sufficient.” We have been saved by just the knowledge that we can touch the hem of his garment and be made whole! He’s only a prayer away! When the doubters ask, “Is God all that people say he is?”, we should gladly testify, God is real, for he saved our souls and made us whole, and every day his saving grace allows us to see new mercies!
Tell "John", we can testify that not only has God done great things for us in the past, but every morning he stands at the ready to bless us as we serve him. Tell all the curious "Johns" in the world who wonder why we serve the Lord, that every morning God has a new blessing waiting on me. Tell "John" that God has seen me through some difficult times and has blessed me with his abundant mercy!
Tell "John” I was down in spirit like Israel, had hung my harp on the willow trees and said, “How can we sing Zion’s songs in a strange land!?” He heard my cry and gave me a brand new song! Tell John that since I met the Lord: THE SKIES seems to be bluer; THE SUN seems to shine brighter; THE BIRDS seem to sing sweeter; THE FLOWERS seem to blossom fuller; THE AIR seems more refreshing; THE STARS seem to have more luster; MY BURDENS seem to be lighter; MY FAITH seems a little stronger!
Believers, don’t be discouraged by the curious and skeptical "Johns" who wonder about the power of God. When asked, tell "John" that we have found out that God is still able!