Happy Mother’s Day. To all our Mothers hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day. As I thought about what to say today, I Thought about the goodness and mercy of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Despite our circumstances, He is still able. He has the power to shift our circumstances that the enemy designed to use against us and make them work for you. I’ve seen Him do it many times in my life. As you go through storms and struggles, it can be hard to see the silver lining. I know that. All you can see at the moment is the chaos and frustration caused by the trial. Unpleasant issues can make it very difficult—almost impossible—to identify any way the present situation could turn out alright. Nevertheless, God desires only good things for us, in the worst situations. Trust God to turn it around! This low valley is not the end. God has greater in store for us. I have been reading Mark Batterson pamphlet “Be a Circle Maker” and would like to share with you. In chapter 3 entitled, “The Solution to Ten Thousand Problems”. In this chapter attention is called to Numbers 11:23, "And the LORD said unto Moses, Is the LORD'S hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not." John Gill's commentary reads: "And the Lord said unto Moses, in answer to his objection, without upbraiding him with his sin of unbelief: is the Lord's hand waxed short? or his power diminished since the creation." "When he formed all things out of nothing, and what is it then he is not able to do? or since he wrought the wonders in Egypt, divided the Red sea, rained down manna from heaven, and smote the rock at Horeb, from whence waters flowed sufficient for all this people, and their flocks and herds; and he that did all this could give them flesh that would suffice them a whole month." "Thou shall see now whether my words shall come to pass unto thee or no; whether I am able to make good my promise; a short time will decide it, it shall be seen presently whether I am and will do what I have said." The bible says in Isaiah 59:1 “Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear” Our answer to this question, Batterson writes, will determine the size of our prayer circle. Mr. Batterson continues to write, God is omnipotent which means there is nothing that God cannot do. God is infinitely bigger than our biggest or biggest dream. The question is asked, are our problems bigger than God or is God is God bigger than our problems? Batterson closed the chapter with several questions: Is your dream too big for you? It better be because that will force us to pray circles around it. If we circling it in prayer God will get bigger and bigger until we see our impossible prayer for what it really is, an easy answer for an almighty God. There is power in prayer. May God’s grace continues to bless and keep you. Love You. Pastor Hill
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